Introduction to quantum cryptography
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Many-body methods in chemistry and physics: MBPT and coupled-cluster theory
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Molecular electronic-structure theory
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Quantum chemistry in the age of machine learning
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LLM을 활용한 실전 AI 애플리케이션 개발: LLM의 기본부터 모델 학습, 임베딩, 벡터 데이터베이스로 만드는 RAG까지
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친환경.탈탄소화 핵심산업으로 주목받는 바이오플라스틱 및 바이오연료 시장동향과 참여업체별 사업현황
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Machine learning theory and applications: hands-on use cases with Python on classical and quantum machines
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Concise guide to quantum machine learning
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Machine Learning with Quantum Computers
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A practical guide to quantum machine learning and quantum optimisation: hands-on approach to modern quantum algorithms
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Quantum computing for everyone
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Wild problems : a guide to the decisions that define us
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(기자가 본) 뉴스 포커스. 2024, 뉴스 타임편
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머신 러닝 교과서. 파이토치 편
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한 걸음씩 알아가는 선형대수학
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(수학으로 배우는) 양자 역학의 법칙
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초거대 생성 AI 기반 AI+X 기술, 시장 동향과 유망 산업별 활용, 사업화 전략
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地域ネットワーク解析: ビジネス生態系におけるつながりの構造と新陳代謝= Regional Network Analysis: The Structure and Metabolism of Linkages in Business Ecosystems
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기술혁신의 경제와 경영= Economics and Management of Technological Innovation
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